The Challenge

Return of the


A bit about Tim Crossin, the original Cold Dip Commando.

In my days as a Royal Marine Commando, before cancer and heart failure, I would have run up a mountain naked for charity and fun, but unfortunately due to my condition I am no longer able to partake in these types of events... so the Cold Dip Commando Challenge was born.

After a prognosis of 6 to 12 months to live if the new treatment failed, I decided to do another cold water dip/swim every day in January 2025 going clockwise around the coast of the UK, starting and finishing at my local beach in Poole.

The challenge will be completed wearing nothing but my coveted Green Beret , Commando budgie smugglers and a smile.

NO WET SUITS for me, but if you want to join me for a dip feel free to wear what you please.

Sadly Tim wasn't able to complete his aspiration but family and fellow commandos and friends of Tim are going to make this happen in his honour.

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